Recently, I
have been asked by numerous folks when I planned on posting again. My answer was, I hadn’t had anything that
jumped out at me – until now (and it's been a busy year). I’m going
to talk about Powwow Grand Entries for a bit and explain a little about Flag Protocol
and Veteran Protocol. I invite comments
and feedback on this subject. In fact, I
encourage it.
I will preface
this by saying the vast majority of my experience is Southern Protocol powwows,
even though I started as a Northern (bustle) dancer. Southern Protocol powwows are those
influenced by tribes of the southern plains – Comanche, Kiowa, Ponca,
Alabama-Coushatta, and so many more. In
my life, I have been to many powwows across the US (California, New Mexico,
Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, Michigan, Indiana, and Kansas). All of them southern protocol, by the way. I have been fortunate to be part of the Grand
Entry carrying the flags of different States, Tribal and Powwow Organizations,
Military, and even the US Flag on many occasions, as well. I have been Head Man, Head Veteran, MC, and
Arena Director at a few dances, too.
I live in
Texas - the shortest drive to get out of the state is two hours. Travel opportunities further north or east
just haven’t been feasible for the most part.
One of these days, I will get to Crow Fair, Ft. Washakie, Denver March, and
maybe even a dance or two up in Canada, if they’ll allow a foreigner (i.e.,
Texan) that far north.
But, the
following seems to be standard for southern protocol powwows.
Grand Entry Dancer Order (southern protocol)
· Flags & Veterans
Head Staff
Visiting Princesses
Straight Dancers
Northern Traditional Dancers (includes Crow
style, Chicken, round bustle, and a few others)
Grass Dancers
Fancy Feather Dancers
Southern Ladies (cloth & buckskin)
Northern Ladies (cloth & buckskin)
Fancy Shawl
The order repeats for the children at this
point. But, small children often
accompany a parent, enter with the appropriate group of adults, or possibly
even just enter in very little order because they are children.
we will see a dancer in an outfit that doesn’t quite fit into one of those
categories, for example, dancers dressed in traditional Cherokee, Seminole, Haida,
or Iroquois clothes (to name only a few).
It’s up to the AD and/or the dancer’s experience to determine where they
line up in the Grand Entry. Most often,
I’ve seen them in the Northern Traditional section, actually.
Grand Entry Song Order
Grand Entry song
Flag Song – for those of you not in the know,
this is equivalent to the National Anthem, and all appropriate honors and
recognitions should be followed here.
All other flags in the procession should dip in honor of the US Flag and
the US Flag should be held straight up and/or elevated above the others.
Prayer and/or Memorial song or a
suitably appropriate prayer or somber song
Victory song or Veterans song –
veterans dance the flags out of the arena, usually passing around the entire
arena once and then posting the flags in the appropriate locations at the MC
Caveat: the MC, AD, or Head Singer can preempt
certain songs or change the order slightly at their discretion, based on need,
time, or other reasons.
Direction of dancing
I was
taught when I was young, and have had reiterated to me many, many, many times,
we enter from the East when coming into the arena. This is where the sun comes from, it is where
life comes from, and the powwow arena, much like the war dance circle, is
intended to represent the inside of a lodge or tipi. Environmental factors dictated why tipis
faced east predominantly – prevailing winds, storms, etc. I was also taught the lodge’s entrance was to
face east so the sun would wake the person who slept in the most respected
position in the lodge. I am sure there
are many other reasons for lodges facing east.
important point is the powwow arena represents those lodges and should be
entered from the East to represent that.
When entering a lodge, you pass to your left and move around the center,
or, as a Kiowa gentleman once told me “move sunwise”. I am aware that there are tribal influences
that dictate a different direction of travel in the arena. But, again, I am speaking specifically of the
Southern protocol powwows I have experienced.
I’ve said before, and heard it again recently, “when in Rome, do as the
Romans” – which means, if the protocol is to ‘move sunwise’, whether it is your
tradition or not, you go with the prevailing protocol, unless the MC or AD states
It is also
my experience that the MC stand/stage should be opposite the entrance. My understanding is that when the Head Staff
stands in front of the MC for their Specials, it is because they are
representing the Headsmen and Leaders of the tribe (in this case, the event or
organization). The position of respect
in the lodge is opposite the entrance. So
this is why the MC stand, out of respect to - and a bit of convenience for -
those persons, the MC stand should be opposite the entrance to the arena.
US Flag Code
The Us
Flag Code is only part of a much larger US Code. It describes the design of the flag, how to
respect the flag properly, and so much more.
I highly encourage all readers to read the US Flag code. It is written in legalese, so some of the
writing takes re-reading a few times to grasp fully. But, this Code dictates the manner in which
we respect our flag. It is important.
Section 175 – Position and Manner of Display
“The flag, when carried in a procession with another flag or flags, should be either on the marching right; that is, the flag's own right, or, if there is a line of other flags, in front of the center of that line.”
Subsection c, states, among other things: “No other flag or pennant should be placed above or, if on the same level, to the right of the flag of the United States of America, except during church services conducted by naval chaplains at sea, when the church pennant may be flown above the flag during church services for the personnel of the Navy.”
Subsection k – “When used on a speaker's platform, the flag, if displayed flat, should be displayed above and behind the speaker. When displayed from a staff in a church or public auditorium, the flag of the United States of America should hold the position of superior prominence, in advance of the audience, and in the position of honor at the clergyman's or speaker's right as he faces the audience. Any other flag so displayed should be placed on the left of the clergyman or speaker or to the right of the audience.”
Section 176 – Respect for the flag“No disrespect should be shown to the flag of the United States of America; the flag should not be dipped to any person or thing. Regimental colors, State flags, and organization or institutional flags are to be dipped as a mark of honor.”
Subsection c – “The flag should never be carried flat or horizontally, but always aloft and free.“
The US Flag Code can be found on several websites. Here are some for reference:
Additional Considerations
covers the basics, but there is more - from a tradition standpoint - to think
about. Most of the powwows I have been
to have had the flags carried in by veterans in single- or double-file. In this case, and according to the US Flag
Code, the US Flag should lead the way. Sometimes
it can be accompanied by the Indian Flag, or Eagle Staff, but should be
preeminent in the procession.
If you have
ever seen the flag patches on US Military uniforms, they appear to be backward,
according to the Code above. But, in
fact, they are representing the flag blowing in the breeze (For more
information on Army Regulation 670-1, I was once told that this is to represent the
many battles this flag has endured and been carried into. The flag should be waving, not stationary,
and certainly not cased (or held down and not allowed to fly), when being
brought into the dance arena.
The US
Flag and other flags are traditionally carried by veterans, whether they saw
combat or not. Other veterans escort the
US Flag into the arena during the Grand Entry, acting as an honor guard or
color guard. They dance behind the flag-bearers,
stand to when the flag is stationary, salute when appropriate (see Us Flag code
for manner of proper saluting – veterans under arms or while wearing a cover
are allowed to use a military salute instead of the hand over the heart), and
escort the flag to its post, dancing it out of the arena. I have seen some groups who dance in the POW/MIA
flag, but move opposite the direction the other dancers take. Again, this is not my training, but I can
find nothing in any protocol related to carrying that particular flag, so I
cannot speak to this in more depth.
Normally, during
Grand Entry the flags enter the arena, pass in front of the MC stand, pass by
the entrance again, and then stop facing East from in front of the MC stand but
near the center of the arena, allowing all other dancers time to enter the
arena during the Grand Entry. This means
they have made one-and-a-half circuits of the arena. In especially large dances, the number of
circuits can be extended, if necessary. When
the Victory or Veterans song is sung, those dancers carrying and guarding the
US Flag dance one circuit around the arena and head toward the MC Stand where
the flags are posted – US flag on the MC’s right (audience’s left) and all
other flags and standards on the MC’s left (audience’s right). I will admit that usually when an Eagle Staff
is carried in, it is usually posted near the US Flag, but still in accordance
with the Flag Code (meaning to the US Flag’s left, or closer to the center of
the MC’s stand).
a specific Color Guard – college ROTC cadets, VFW, American Legion, or some
other civic or military honor group - will provide four or more individuals in
appropriate uniforms (or ‘under arms’) and accoutrements (covers, gloves,
rifles, etc.) to march the flag into the arena.
Much like at a sporting event, they will march to their own cadence, and
call their own orders for presenting the colors properly. On several occasions, I have seen the
veterans organize themselves enough to carry the flags into the arena in this
manner, as well. At the AD’s discretion,
the remaining veterans dance to where the flags are displayed and line up on
both sides of the Color Guard, or they can dance separately - leading the
procession, or they can dance with their respective dance styles.
Of course,
with all things involving the arena, the AD (Arena Director) has the final
say. Some of us vets are a bit
hard-headed and will not want to leave our Colors behind, though. “Never let the flag fall, and never leave a
man behind” are mottos almost all of us can get behind. But, there should remain a respect for the position
of Arena Director, even then. He’s just
trying to keep the dance orderly and moving – I’ve been there, I get it. So, a polite discussion can be had, but if
the AD says ‘do it my way’, do it his way.
What do the other dancers do during the Grand
Entry Veterans song?
This is a
little tricky. But, ‘when in
Rome…’. Here’s what I have seen most
often. When the veterans are dancing out
the flags, all other dancers dance in place.
In recent years, I have seen a plethora of people raising their fans or
dance sticks when the flag passes by. I
cannot speak to the reasons for this, because it was not how I was taught ‘lo
those many years ago.
What should everyone else be doing Grand
Out of
respect for the flags and the veterans or Color Guards carrying the flags, and
the Head Staff following them into the arena, it is asked that all who are able
stand for the duration of the Grand Entry.
Usually, the MC will address this over the microphone, so those who are
unaware can be made aware. Once the flags
have been posted, the dancing kicks off with Round Dances or other intertribal
dancing, as the Organization and/or Head Staff has deemed appropriate. At this point, the audience can take a seat –
again the MC should notify the audience of this, as well.
Veterans songs at the end of the Powwow
At many
southern powwows, near the end of the evening, right before the final prayer or
closing song, one or two Veterans Songs may be sung. The MC should announce what the protocol
would be in this case. For instance, he
may ask that the first song be for veterans only, and the second for their
families or anyone who has a loved one in the service. I was told when I was younger, and practiced
this until I joined the military, that non-servicemembers or non-veterans were
supposed to take off any headwear they had on during these veterans particular
songs. I don’t recall the reasons for
this, though, having been lost to the annals of time. But, one can imagine this is out of respect
for those veterans on the dance floor.
One might even suppose that because the roach was once a warrior’s
headdress, those not affiliated with the military should not wear them during
those final veterans songs, if they choose to dance. You could even think that by taking off the
roach and dancing, you are recognizing your association to another warrior or
veteran. I honestly do not recall the
whys and wherefores associated with that teaching, however. I just know I respected the men who taught
me, and they taught me not to wear the roach during those songs – until I
became a veteran myself.
Follow up
I’d like
to know if Northern protocol powwows are vastly different in scope, scale,
direction, or method of approach to those of southern powwows. Please let me know if you have any questions,
or insight into what I have written.
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